Directions to Thunder Dome Ranch
Google or apple maps delivers 90% of guests to the doorstep but for some reason, the GPS occasionally leads someone astray.
If you’re coming through the winding rural backroads, the street is the last one on the left before you reach the small town of San Elijo Hills. If you’re driving through the small town, we’re the first street to the right off of Elfin Forest Rd.
*The street is not lite so if you’re driving at night, you’ll find it by looking for the blue reflector light by the street sign. The street sign looks like this:
Keep going until you reach the second to last house at the dead end road. We’re the black house with a brown wood and wire fence. The gate will be open. Pull straight in and go down the gravel driveway. Park near EFFICIENTLY by the dome in the roundabout.
Be aware, there is a yellow house on the way with a similar address… 20447. Don’t be fooled like 1/3 of Amazon drivers.